Sea Link International – Clients

Sea Link International’s wide breadth of customer base ensures corporate health during industry and market fluctuations.  We supply components to the majority of major global OEMs through Tier 1 and Tier 2 Customers.  Sea Link also supplies to all top global Exterior Lighting Setmakers.  Our growth is through long term supply relationships, as well as new growth through demonstrated technical expertise and OEM recommendations.

Sea Link has expanded into the exciting and dynamic Infotainment sector.  As navigation and entertainment equipment expands in size and complexity, the need for structural integrity is paramount, with the challenge of added mass and thermal management.  Sea Link specializes in light-weighting and thermal solutions for our customer base, including Magnesium Thixomolded and Die Cast products.

OEMs Utilizing Sea Link Components


Tier 1 & 2 Customers